
供稿、摄影:管理与经济学院 高超  编辑:新闻中心 段炼

  2012年9月5日下午,日本京都大学多多纳裕一(Hirokazu Tatano)教授兼职教授聘任仪式在管理与经济学院举行。管理与经济学院院长魏一鸣教授,分党委书记李金林教授,副院长王兆华教授,教师代表唐葆君副教授、张跃军副教授、王科博士等以及部分研究生代表,参加了聘任仪式。管理与经济学院副院长王兆华教授主持了聘任仪式。




        Prof. Hirokazu Tatano is a Professor of Disaster Prevention Research Institute in Kyoto University and is currently serving as a head of Research Division of Disaster Management for Safe and Secure Society. His research interest is in economic engineering of disasters, disaster risk governance and risk communicating systems. In relation to economic engineering of disasters, he works in the field of cost benefit analysis of integrated countermeasures including both risk control and risk financing countermeasures and economic analysis of disasters to enhance resilient society against disasters. Spatial computable general equilibrium approach with the realistic boundary conditions to analyze the economic impact of disaster is also his current research focus. He published more than 110 refereed papers, two edited books and 9 book chapters. He is a leader of the Disaster Risk Management Research Field in Kyoto University GCOE Program for “Human Security Engineering for Asian Mega-Cities” for recent five years. He has been serving as a vise-president of International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management.
