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来源:   发布日期:2019-12-13


报 告 人:胡斌

时   间:2019年12月16日(周一)16:00-17:30

地   点:中关村校区研究生教学楼101报告厅




  胡斌,美国田纳西大学材料科学与工程系的终身教授和博士导师,同时兼任美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室的客座研究员,台湾成功大学的客座教授。主要研究方向包括:有机自旋光电子学、卤化物钙钛矿及有机太阳能电池和高分子热电转换、激发态和电荷相干行为。在Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, JACS, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Small, Scientific Report 上发表了一系列很有影响力的文章。目前在有机光电子学、有机自旋光电子学、钙钛矿光伏-发光-激光研究方面共发表论文160多篇,他引次数超过5000。




Organic-inorganic semiconducting perovskites have demonstrated very attractive room-temperature magneto-optical response, remarkable photovoltaic actions, color-tunable light-emitting properties, and low-threshold lasing actions, to become emerging multifunctional materials. On the other hand, organic-inorganic semiconducting perovskites possess a strong spin-orbital coupling within electrically polarizable semiconducting framework consisting of organic and inorganic components in ABX3 structure. In general, spin-orbital coupling can generate three major outcomes: (i) Rashba effect, (ii) spin mixing between different states, and (iii) electric-magnetic coupling in such hybrid perovskites. It should be pointed out that organic-inorganic semiconducting perovskites show significant orbital momentum to form a strong spin-orbital coupling with spin momentum. Therefore, using orbital momentum presents a unique mechanism to control the optoelectronic properties in such hybrid perovskites. We found that changing from 3D to 2D perovskites causes from short-range spin-spin interaction to long-distance orbital-orbital interaction, leading to distinct SOC effects on the populations on dark and bright states towards developing photovoltaic and light-emitting actions. On the other hand, we observed that the spin-orbital coupling can be changed by grain boundary polarization, leading to a convenient method to tune the spin-orbital coupling through doping and mechanical stress. Moreover, using the spin-orbital coupling presents a practical approach to remove the light-emitting loss from dark states in perovskite LEDs. In summary, this presentation will discuss the spin-orbital coupling effects involved in photovoltaic and light-emitting devices from 3D to 2D perovskites.