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来源:   发布日期:2019-11-21


报 告 人:刘国军

时   间:2019年11月25日(周一)15:00-17:00

地   点:中关村校区求是楼426室




  Guojun Liu教授目前于加拿大女王大学(Queen’s University)化学系 担任加拿大材料科学Tier 1 首席科学家,是世界著名高分子材料科学家。近年来,他开创性地提出了由嵌段共聚物和其他聚合物构成的具有纳米和微结构的功能性高分子材料,多种产品已经实现工业化生产。Guojun Liu 教授在嵌段共聚物自组装领域,和聚合物纳米结构材料方面均 做出了突出贡献,迄今已发表了论文200余篇,同时著有2本书和10本书部分章节,共被引用达8000多次,其H指数为 51。


Professor Guojun Liu, Tier I Canada Research Chair in Materials Science at Queen’s University, is a pioneer and world leader in the field of polymeric materials science. He made pioneering contributions to polymer self-assembly. In particular, he has led the development of nano- and micro-structured materials constructed from block copolymers and other polymers, and developed multiple industrial products. Professor Liu has been instrumental in advancing block copolymer nanoscience and polymeric nanostructured materials, and his work has resulted in more than 200 peer-reviewed publications, 2 books, and 10 book chapters, with a total citation over 8000 times and an H-index of 51. 




During the separation of oil from water using superhydrophobic large-pore filters, the separation of emulsified oil is impossible once the oil droplets are smaller than the filter pores. The separation of solvents such as ethanol that is miscible with water by filtration is not known. In this talk, the high-flux separation of emulsified oil from water using a Janus filter that coalesces emulsified oil droplets and then separates selectively the coalesced oil from water will be discussed, together with the separation of ethanol from water by filtration.

The preparation of oil- and water-repellent omniphobic coatings normally involves the use of perfluorinated agents, which are banned in many countries. The coatings further suffer from lack of wear resistance and optical clarity.  In this talk, I also will discuss our invention - transparent omniphobic NP-GLIDE coatings, which contain in their matrices nanometer-sized pools of a grafted lubricating ingredient for de-wetting enablement, using much cheaper and environmentally more friendly poly(dimethyl siloxane).