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来源:   发布日期:2020-01-09


报 告 人:Naser El-Sheimy

时   间:2020年1月17日(周五)15:00-17:00

地   点:中关村校区信息实验楼205会议室




  Dr. Naser El-Sheimy是卡尔加里大学测绘工程系教授、前系主任。Naser El-Sheimy教授为加拿大工程院院士,测绘多传感器系统加拿大Tier I首席科学家,美国导航协会(ION)fellow,也是Profound Positioning公司(PPI)的创始人兼主席。研究领域包括测绘多传感器系统、卫导/惯导组合导航、移动测绘系统等。

  Naser El-Sheimy教授发表了超过450篇论文,并获得30多次的加拿大及国际学术论文奖项,出版过2本著作和6部章节著作,指导了超过60名硕士和博士生,还是多项加拿大及国际奖励的获得者,包括ASTech的“Leadership in Alberta Technology”奖,加拿大APEGGA的教育卓越贡献奖等。同时,他还获得过卡尔加里大学工程学院的“研究卓越贡献奖励”和“教学卓越贡献奖励”,卡尔加里大学学生会的“教学卓越贡献奖励”,以及多次系里的研究和教学卓越贡献奖励。2008-2012年期间,Naser El-Sheimy教授还担任过国际摄影测量与遥感学会(ISPRS)“Sensors and Platforms”的第一委员会(Commission I)主席,组织并参与过众多国际会议,还多次主持包括美国ION在内的各大学术会议。目前担任Survey Review、MDPI Sensors、Journal of Applied Geodesy、Coordinates等期刊的编委。


Dr. Naser El-Sheimy is Professor and former Head of the Department of Geomatics Engineering, the University of Calgary. He holds a Tier-I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Geomatics Multi-sensor Systems. His research expertise includes Geomatics multi-sensor systems, GPS/INS integration, and mobile mapping systems. He is also the founder and president of Profound Positioning Inc.

Dr. El-Sheimy published two books, 6 book chapters and over 450 papers in academic journals, conference and workshop proceedings, in which he has received over 30 national and international paper awards. He supervised and graduated over 60 Masters and PhD students. He is the recipient of many national and international awards including the ASTech “Leadership in Alberta Technology” Award the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) Educational Excellence Award. He also received the Schulich School of Engineering Research Excellence Award, the Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, The UofC Student Union Teaching Excellence Award, and 4 times the departmental teaching award, 2 times departmental research excellence award, and the department of Geomatics Engineering Graduate Educator Award.    Dr. El-Sheimy was the president of Commission I on "Sensors and Platforms" of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) from 2008 - 2012. He organized and participated in organizing many national and international conferences and chaired many conferences such as the USA Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).  Dr. El-Sheimy is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Survey Review, MDPI Sensors, Journal of Applied Geodesy, and Coordinates.



  当下,有三个“支柱(pillars)”因素决定着导航技术的性能或实用性,即成本、精度和连续性。导航是一门长盛不衰的技术,数千年来,持续吸引着人们前赴后继地研究。毫无疑问,全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS)主导着目前的定位导航市场。GNSS除了能够提供全球性的服务外,还满足了上述与成本、精度有关的两种“支柱”条件。换句话说,它能以较低成本的代价,提供各种不同精度要求范围内的导航定位信息。另外,该技术还可以满足高便携性和低功耗的需求,非常适合与其他各类传感器、通信链接以及数据库进行融合。



There are three ‘pillars’ that define the performance or usefulness of a navigation technologies – cost, accuracy, and continuity. Navigation is a field that has been fascinating humankind for thousands of years and these pillars have been evolving with new technological advancements.  The current market in positioning and navigation is clearly dominated by GNSS. Besides being globally available, it meets two important pillars: accuracy and cost by providing the whole range of navigation accuracies at very low cost. It is also highly portable, has low power consumption, and is well suited for integration with other sensors, communication links, and databases.

At this point in the development of navigation technology, the need for alternative positioning systems only arises because GNSS does meet the continuity pillar as it does not work in all environments. Furthermore, there has been a constant market push to develop navigation systems that are accurate, continuous and easy to afford. Needless to say, that cost, and space constraints are currently driving manufacturers of cars, portable devices (e.g. smartphones), and autonomous systems (e.g. self-driving, drones and agriculture machine systems) systems to investigate and develop next generation of low cost and small size navigation systems to meet the fast-growing autonomous vehicles and location services market demands. This presentation will provide a state of the art and future trends of sensors used for navigation of autonomous vehicles: possibilities, limitations and various design approaches.  Emphasis will be on sensors and technologies that can navigate autonomous vehicles everywhere and at any time independent of weather and light conditions. Some of the current developed and possible future system’s accuracy performance will be demonstrated through different implementations/applications.