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物理学院“博约学术论坛”系列报告第 141 期

来源:   发布日期:2018-01-23

题目:Potein Thin Film Memory for Mobile Devices
报告人:Prof. V. Renugopalakrishnan(Northeastern University and Harvard Medical School)
时 间:2018年1月26日(星期五)上午10点
地 点:中教楼610会议室
Abstract:  In nanotechnology, protein-surface interactions are instrumental in the assembly of interfacial protein constructs such as sensors, tissue scaffolds for artificial cartilage, activators and other functional components. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a 7 helical trans-membrane protein, has been deposited on TiO2 and Au substrates separately. An ultraviolet photoemission experiment (UPS) reveals the energy-level alignment and the Fermi energy of the bR/TiO2 system while x-ray absorption measurements (XANES) show that in bR the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is located 2 eV above the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). A separate XPS and TOF-SIMS study has been conducted to characterize the attachment of bR to Au substrate confirm successful Thiol-Gold bond formation with films thicker than 10 nm. For retinal, the HOMO-LUMO gap was found to be 2.49 eV from UPS and XANES measurements. DFT calculations are also being used to compute the HOMO-LUMO gap of free retinal, Spiro OMe-TAD and Lead Halide Perovskite. Using the G-311G basis set, the calculated HOMO-LUMO gap was 2.69 eV for Retinal and -1.1 for Spiro respectively. The calculated HOMO-LUMO gap is about 2.6 eV. At the Hartree-Fock level this gap is 7.9 eV, therefore correlation plays an important effect on the gap size. The chromophore can be stabilized in the bR by the HOMO-LUMO interaction with the protein environment. As a result the HOMO-LUMO gap of the chromophore is expected to shrink inside the tight bR protein pocket. Based on the spectroscopy results and DFT Calculation, a new FTO/TiO2/perovskite/Spiro//bR/Au Solar cell architecture has been proposed. Since the Perovskite is already a form of sensitization, the role of the CdSe QDs in terms of their spintronic functionality will now be performed by the organohalide Perovskite in the proposed tandem solar cell architecture as optical orientation of excitons and optical detection of spin-polarized exciton quantum beating in polycrystalline films of the hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbClxI3x has recently been demonstrated.

Prof. V. Renugopalakrishnan, American Biophysicist, “Renu” and his group at the Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School and Northeastern University focuses on the interface between protein engineering and nanotechnology. He has been on Harvard faculty since 1984, starting from Assistant Professor to a Professor. In recent years his laboratory has been targeting proteins as intelligent and innovative biomaterials in solar cells, fuel cells, very high density data storage, and tagged on to CNT/Graphene for directed drug delivery, sensors. He teaches and is guiding MD PhD program at Walter Bradford Cannon Society, First Year MD Students, “New Pathway in Medical Education” as a part of Harvard-MIT Health Sciences program and is currently spearheading a campus-wide effort in bio inspired devices. He is funded by NSF, US Air Force, NIH. He was Wallace H Coulter Chair and Professor at the University of Florida, Miami. He had been a visiting Professor in Denmark, Taiwan, India. He obtained his B.Sc. from the Madras University, entered graduate school in the Dept. of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, NY and Rockefeller University, New York, NY working with Prof Harold C Urey, Nobel Chemistry Laureate and Prof. Barbara Low and obtained his Ph.D. in Biophysical Sciences from State University of New York, Buffalo, New York. He is the author of more than 250 publications, 2 monographs – 1991, 2006, 1 Graduate Level Textbook in Bionanoscience (under development), and member of academies. He was the Editor in-Chief, Journal of Bionanoscience, Associate Editor, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and serves on 6 Editorial Boards of Journals. His scientific lineage or ancestry traces its origin to Prof G N Ramachandran, FRS, Biochemistry to Nobel Laureate Prof. Stanford Moore, Rockefeller University, New York, NY; experimental studies of protein structural biology to Prof Dan Wesley Urry, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Prof Melvin J Glimcher, Harvard to mineralization of connective tissue macromolecules, to Prof. Richard Collins Lord, MIT on Raman Spectroscopy of Proteins. He along with Dr. Sowmya Viswanathan is organizing one of the largest programs focused on Bio inspired Systems and Devices

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邀请人: 肖文德 副教授
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